Things You Must Do Before the Arrival of Professional Movers

So you have successfully purchased your new home in the New York City. You must be excited for a move to your new home and have hired professional movers for moving from Boston to New York. But hiring movers is not enough; you have to make some important preparations yourself too before the arrival of the movers to provide momentum to your move and also to minimize the risk of damages, problems, and setbacks.

Here are a few important things to do before the movers arrive.

Make a list of things to be packed

Generally, movers help you with the packaging of big items, like furniture, pianos, electronics etc. You have to take care of your smaller things yourself. It is better to prepare a list of items like clothes, books, kitchen supplies, personal belongings and start its packaging at least a week before to avoid last minute rush.

Although the movers will safely pack your belongings in the box and load them in the truck, there are some things that need extra care while moving like jewelry, toiletries, money, wallet, medicines, documents etc. Pack them properly and carry them safely with you.

Clean all the items

While packaging your goods in boxes make sure that they are clean and in good condition. Of course, in your new home, you are not willing to take damaged devices, stained fabrics, and dirty appliances. So clean the needful things before packaging. Also clean the electrical appliances like a refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave etc. After carefully thawing and cleaning, wipe the appliance with the towel to remove the traces of moisture.

Get rid of unwanted items

Every home contains some items that are of no use and of course you are not thinking of carrying them to your new home. It is, therefore, better to prioritize the goods that you need. The simplest way of getting rid of the mess is organizing a yard sale. It is easiest and the most effective way and also you can earn money from this. You can also donate some of your goods. Getting rid of unnecessary items will ease your moving to much extent.

Mark your presence on a moving day

As a responsible adult, always keep yourself free from all other tasks on a moving day. It is important to be there while your movers are moving your goods so that they can consult you regarding any supplies or for some raised query. Although the moving companies employ the certified movers for your move from Boston to New York or within the city, you are the first person who is responsible for your goods, and its safety. Therefore, it is good to never leave your home unattended on a moving day.

Make some planning for your pets and kids

It is better to leave your children and pets to your relative home or neighbor, to do your moving free from stress and any kind of chaos. If you cannot send them anywhere, then arrange some babysitter to look after your young ones in a separate room where they will not be disturbed. Place your pets in the kennel or in the cage for the day to avoid any mess.
So be prepared for your professional moving by preparing your household items, preparing your home and your mind for an exciting and beneficial move with professional movers from Boston to New York.


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